CBET 1103
discovered 2007/10/15.37 by A. Sehgal, L. Cox, and Tim Puckett
Found in UGC 11495
at R.A. = 19h34m57s.90, Decl. = +87°16'33".6
UGC 11495
(Discovery image)
(Taurus Hill Obs image)
Mag 19.3, Type unknown

CBET 1056 discovered 2007/09/09.37 by A. Sehgal, R. Gagliano, and Tim Puckett
Found in
UGC 2858 at
R.A. = 03h47m23s.90, Decl. = +45°58'13".2
Located 9".4 east and 22".7 north of the nucleus of UGC 2858
(Discovery image)
(Remanzacco Obs image)
(Taurus Hill Obs image)
Mag 17.9, Type II
(CfA spectrum)
(References:CBET 1058,
IAUC 8874,

CBET 1056
discovered 2007/09/09.09 by Ernesto Guido, A. Sehgal and Tim Puckett
Found in NGC 6261
at R.A. = 16h56m29s.96, Decl. = +27°58'40".4
Located 1".3 west and 1".4 north of the nucleus of
NGC 6261
(Discovery image)
(Remanzacco Obs image)
(Lode Stevens image)
(Taurus Hill Obs image)
(Paolo Corelli image)
(LOSS image)
(William Wiethoff image)
(Lahti Ursa SN-team image)
Mag 17.3, Type Ia (z=0.0354)
(CfA spectrum)
(References:CBET 1058,
IAUC 8874,

CBET 1023 discovered 2007/08/05.35 by A. Sehgal,
Jack Newton,
Tom Orff,
and Tim Puckett
Found in
MCG +11-20-27 at
R.A. = 16h45m18s.22, Decl. = +67°55'50".0
Located 9".4 east and 26".5 south of the nucleus of MCG +11-20-27
(Discovery image)
(Taurus Hill Observatory image)
(Tristan Dilapo image)
Mag 18.8 and rising, Type Ia
CBET 1025)

IAUC 8758 discovered 2006/09/28.46 by A. Sehgal, R. Gagliano and
Tim Puckett
Found inUGC 6154 at
R.A. = 11h07m18s.67, Decl. = +76°41'49".8
Located 7".6 north of the center of
UGC 6154 (Discovery image
(JM Llapasset image (mirror))
Mag 16.2* (9/29:15.5), Type Ia
CBET 653,

IAUC 8705 discovered 2006/04/28.36 by
A. Sehgal, R. Gagliano
and Tim Puckett
Found in
UGC 7848 at
R.A. = 12h41m01s.55, Decl. = +63°31'11".6
Located 28".4 east and 0".6 south of the center of
UGC 7848 (Discovery
image (mirror))
Hill Obs image)
Mag 17.8, Type IIn (CfA
spectrum) (References:
CBET 493,
ATEL 802)

IAUC 8598 discovered 2005/09/07.36 by
Tim Puckett,
Jack Newton, and
A. Sehgal
Found in
UGC 3042 at
R.A. = 04h28m38s.72, Decl. = +70°20'49".0
Located 5".0 west and 1".3 south of the center of
UGC 3042 (Discovery
Mag 18.7, Type II (References:
CBET 221,

IAUC 8569 discovered 2005/07/15.27 by
Tim Puckett,
Jack Newton, and
A. Sehgal
Found in
UGC 11241 at
R.A. = 18h26m49s.11, Decl. = +51°08'30".4
Located 7".0 west and 9".8 north of the nucleus of
UGC 11241 (Discovery
image (mirror))
Stevens image) (Enrico
Prosperi image)
Mag 18.5 (7/19:17.8), Type IIn (References:
CBET 180;
ATEL 568)

IAUC 7845 discovered March 6.24, 2002 by
Tim Puckett
and A. Sehgal
Found in
MCG -1-32-19 at R.A. = 12h30m16s.90, Decl. = -8 23'34".8
Located 11".4 east and 15".0 north of the center of
MCG -1-32-19 (Discovery
image) (Rezman
obs image (local
mirror)) (Ella
Sanders image) (Ella
Sanders image) (Ella
Sanders image) (Ella
Sanders image)
Mag 17.0, Type Ic (References:
IAUC 7848)

IAUC 7766 discovered Dec. 4.44, 2001 by
Tim Puckett
and A. Sehgal
Found in
NGC 4162 at R.A. = 12h11m53s.18, Decl. = +24o06'49".4
Located 9".4 east and 35".3 south of the center of
NGC 4162 (Discovery
image (local
mirror)) (CROSS
image) (Rezman
Obs image)
Mag 17.4, Type II (CfA
spectrum) (References:
IAUC 7770;
vsnet-campaing-sn 289; SN

IAUC 7580 discovered Feb 6.26, 2001 by
Tim Puckett
and A. Sehgal
Found in
UGC 5491 at R.A. = 10h11m57s.20, Decl. = +58o52'02".9 (N.
Fukuhara finder chart)
Located 7".7 west and 10".0 north of the center of
UGC 5491 (Discovery
Mag 17.0* (2/15:17.0), Type II (References:
IAUC 7583)
(References: SN 2001S
images sub-page)

IAUC 7448 discovered July 4.13, 2000 by
Tim Puckett,
A. Sehgal, and
Jack Newton
Found in an anonymous galaxy a170056+332832 at R.A. = 17h01m03s.64, Decl. =
+33o28'45".0 (SW of
IC 4638)
Located 7".0 west and 13".4 north of the center of
the host galaxy
Mag 18.8* (7/9:16.9), Type IIn (References:
IAUC 7449)
(References: SN 2000ct
images sub-page)

IAUC 7421 discovered May 8.13, 2000 by
Tim Puckett
and A. Sehgal
Found in
MCG +11-19-25 at R.A. = 15h52m56s.19, Decl. = +65o56'12".7
Located 3".1 east and 4".3 north of the center of
MCG +11-19-25 (Discovery
image (mirror))
Palcic image) (Odd
Trondal image) (Rafael
Ferrando image (mirror))
image) (J.
Goncalves image)
(Ajai Sehgal image)
Mag 17.4* (5/9:16.9), Type Ia (Reference:
IAUC 7423,